Business Basics: A lesson in Cashflow statements

Whether you’re a sole trader looking to improve your business finances, or just starting out in a small business, understanding cashflow statements should be top of your priorities list.

Payroll and Real Estate – Simply Real Estate Accounting

Whether you run a real estate agency or manage properties for clients, real estate accounting can be complex. But it doesn't have to be that way...

Wage Subsidy Update

Significant Government support for businesses and workers has been triggered following a rise in alert levels to combat COVID-19 in the community. The Government decided to move to Alert Level 4 for New Zealand starting at 11.59pm Tuesday 18 August 2021...

Business Basics: Profit Margin

As a business owner, a crucial part of the role is keeping an eye on key financial metrics - understanding and calculating profit margin is a great place to start. If the money doesn’t keep flowing, you won’t be able to keep the doors open...

What’s new in sick leave entitlements

Sickness and leave entitlements have become a concern since we entered a global health crisis. So it’s not too surprising that our national sick leave rules are about to change in a way that affects pretty much every employer in NZ.

Mental Health is good for business

Creating a mentally healthy workplace has many benefits for both employees and employers. And a well-designed workplace should support individual mental health, the same way it should support physical illness.

Becoming a profit for purpose business

For some business owners, making money isn’t the only motive for running a company. Here’s what it means to operate a profit-for-purpose business, and how to approach transitioning your existing business into one.

Business Continuity Plan

Every business should have a plan in place to prepare for the aftereffect of Covid-19. We can advise you on your government entitlements, how to preserve profitability and cashflow, and help you identify key areas of your business to focus on.

New Zealand women taking leap into entrepreneurship during Covid-19 era

Sarah Colcord founded New Zealand’s largest Facebook Group, Choice and co-founded its e-commerce partner


We’re here for New Zealand’s small-to-medium business owners. Perhaps you’re facing some challenges and would like some help to work through them. Or maybe your business is tracking well, and you’re keen to grow to the next level.

Lead by example – be a mental health champion

Did you know the main reason people take time off work is due to poor mental health? So, it’s in your best interest to promote positive mental health at work.

New ways to communicate with staff

If you’re assembling a wooden kitset table, would you prefer to watch a video demonstration, read instructions or diagrams, or talk to someone who’d done it before? How you best learn could influence...

Why knowing your staff ‘learning styles’ is good for business

Ever handed out a business document for your team, only to find half of them abandoned at the table? Or discovered a staff member nodding off during a graphic, chart-filled presentation? It could be because the communication style...

The power of practicing acceptance

In a world of unpredictability and stress, our instinct brings cravings to survive, compete, and strive. But acceptance, not a comparison, is what will get us through. “There are ways to find ease in acceptance without negative inner feelings, it just takes practice,”...

Christmas parties and presents on a budget

While it’s been a financial rollercoaster of a year for most Kiwi businesses, Christmas time invites us to pause and celebrate what’s gone right and thank the people we rode with. Here are eight ways to keep your costs down without sacrificing festive fun.

How digital are you?

We all know we live in a digital world, but what does that mean for your business? Should you worry whether your website looks good and reads well? Do you really need Facebook and Instagram to get clients? And should you be utilising online tools to boost productivity?

Business health check

Holiday pay sorted? Working out what an employee gets paid for taking a day off on annual holidays will depend partly on what they have earned in the previous 12 months.

Don’t trip! GST mistakes to avoid

GST can be a thorn in your side but if you understand when it’s due, what to pay, and make the most of your accounting software, you’ll escape unscathed. Here are four of the most common mistakes we see business owners make with their GST.

Residential Tenancies Amendment Act in force

Big changes to tenancy legislation are underway, with the 12-monthly limit on rent increases already in effect to help tenants struggling financially following Covid-19.

Big gain for gender equality in the workplace

The Equal Pay Amendment Bill is coming into effect in early November. It means your staff can raise a pay equity claim with you if they believe their occupation has been undervalued, and therefore underpaid, on the basis of sex.

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